Closing 2016

2016 was bad. 2016 needs to just end. I’m sure you’ve heard that a few times already. And yes, I’m all for acknowledging the bad things that happened that happened this year. You shouldn’t live your life with your head buried in the sand about the reality of the world that we live in. But, if you’re going to dedicate time to looking at all the bad things, you need to equally acknowledge all the good things that happened. Yes there are terrible things happening around the world. But there are also incredible things. The world has never been better and it is improving. But it can’t get even better if we only focus on problems and not solutions too. It can’t get better if we don’t celebrate and support people, organisations and governments when they get things right. So enough about how bad 2016 was. 2016 was awesome. A lot of really inspiring things happened this year around the world and these are some of my personal favourites... 

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