Kevin Moon, Head of Impact Investments at Lonsdale Capital on Finding and Scaling Startups that Change the World
Today you’re in for a treat. I have a really interesting guest for you who works in the impact investment space. Now you might have heard about impact investing before, but for many people this is quite a new and up and coming area of investing. So, we’re going to find out more about what exactly it’s all about.
Kevin is the Head of Impact Investments at Lonsdale Capital. Through Lonsdale, Kevin works with high-impact startups and social enterprises to scale their business. Lonsdale provides capital investments for seed stage to series A companies who have impact tied to the core of their business.
Kevin believes that high impact companies and social enterprises are the business models of the future, where providing social and/or environmental returns will become a competitive advantage for improved financial returns.
Prior to Lonsdale, Kevin has worked in the social enterprise, impact investment ecosystem for 8 years. His experience spans from working with high-impact startups, social enterprises, intermediaries, SE incubators, impact investors, MNCs, and government bodies.
Kevin and I actually go back quite a few years, so this is a pretty packed episode about everything from impact investing to impact measurement, and the various definitions of a social enterprise. We cover how Lonsdale determines what to invest in and how Kevin thinks about the future of impact investing as a whole. We also go into how Kevin’s varied experience working with high-impact startups, social enterprises, intermediaries, social enterprise incubators, impact investors, MNCs, and government bodies has influenced the way he looks at impact as a whole. As always, we wrap up with 3 things.
Kevin Moon, Head of Impact Investments at Lonsdale Capital