How old do you need to be to change the world?

On Thursday I gave a school talk to 200 young ladies at Croydon Girls High School about DOING GOOD! 🙊

The girls were amazing! I was so impressed and inspired by them. I'm seriously really excited by the things that they're going to do. After the talk, I met with 6 of the ladies to chit-chat about social impact and the work that they're doing and going to do.

"After her speech, several girls, including myself were given the opportunity to talk with Amra. We discussed many local and foreign issues surrounding sexism and the implications it can have. The girls in years 10 and 11 discussed their Give First campaign ideas and we talked about our work for Free the Children and the WE movement. Amra was so enthusiastic in her support for every campaign. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that her passion for what she does is truly inspirational. Overall the experience was great. We learned that changes come from ordinary people who are willing to be extraordinary, and Amra made everyone believe that we could all be one of those individuals" - Carys, Year 12 student


Thank you so much for the invitation Croydon High School! Can't wait to do more =)

PS It was also a really special day because it was the first time my parents got to see me talk 👨‍👩‍👧

#whoruntheworld #dogood